Author Radar: Amanda Gernentz Hanson

I don’t know about you, but May was an ABSOLUTE whirlwind for me! And to be honest, I’m not sure that June is going to slow down much at all. But, if you know me, you’ll know that as much as I may whine about it, being busy is generally how I roll. Continue reading

Antiartists by Ralph Pullins

I don’t like to DNF books. I don’t know what it is, but there is something deep inside my soul that aches at the idea of leaving a book started unfinished. In fact, in my long relationship with books there are less than a handful that I can even claim as DNF’s.

This book justifies every single reason for that decision.

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2017 SerendipiTeaTour: Amanda Hanson

Hello lovelies!

So, as you may or may not know, I was recently asked to join the ranks of the authors being featured in the 2017 #SerendipiTea Tour, a book blog tour featuring sixteen debuting authors from 2017! Since that’s exactly Alice’s cup of tea (Mad Tea Party, anyone?), I was super stoked!

Even MORE recently, I was given the opportunity to HOST one of stops on the tour, and when I heard who the author was, I literally jumped at the chance. Not only is she an incredible writer, she also happens to be one of the COOLEST people I know!

Who is this femme fatale? None other than my very own Pen Name bestie, Miss Amanda Gernentz Hanson!

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