Author Toolbox: The Wonders of World Building

Since Alice has made her debut in the world, I have learned many things. Some lessons have not been the best experiences of my life (case in point: #CSLewisCarroll), but others have been incredibly exciting.

One such lesson was the discovery that I might just have a knack for world building. I found out when my dear friend Rebecca Cahill asked me to write a guest post for her blog, The Page Unbound.  I was more than happy to oblige, until she told me the topic she’d like me to write about:  World Building.

<insert video-tape screech>

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Author Toolbox: Let’s Talk About Typos

I’ll be the first to admit it:  autocorrect and I have a love/hate relationship. It LOVES to ‘correct’ my sh*t, and I absolutely HATE it. If you follow me on Twitter, you are probably well aware of this fact.

However, that does not mean all editing is bad. In fact, solid editing is probably one of the most important aspects of publishing your work. Unfortunately, the process can be long and (after what feels like the 700th time through your manuscript,) tedious. But, regardless of how arduous the process is, you should never, EVER discredit the edit.

Which is a lesson I learned the very hard way.

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Embracing the Writer Feels

So there is this meme that I have come across several times and it cracks me up every time I see it. I can’t help but laugh, because it perfectly sums up all of my writer feels.

It’s the scene where Rapunzel has just ‘escaped’ the tower in Tangled and she is running through her roller coaster of emotions, but instead of worrying about disappointing her mother, she has been suddenly struck by a massive wave of the writer feels.

See where I’m going with this?

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